
Audit - Assurance - Consultancy


Supply Chain Audits

Supply chain audits

  • Critical supplier audits

  • Technical audits

  • ESG supply chain audits

  • Due diligence audits

Offshore Auditing

Delivery of permit assurance audits;

  • Legislative compliance assessments

  • OPPC/PPC/ETS compliance audits

  • Vessel international safety management code (ISM) audits

  • Safety case compliance audits

Management Systems

We can assist in developing management systems in compliance with;

  • ISO 14001:2015, 45001:2018, 9001:2015, 27001:2013 & 50001:2011

  • Gap analysis

  • Lean six sigma assessments to identify area’s of ‘waste’


We work collaboratively with our customers to ensure we deliver more sustainable and compliant methods of operating. Our services include;

  • Operational environmental advisory services tailored for offshore assets

  • Environmntal & Safety Legislative due dilignce

  • Development of chemical permits, radiation authorisations & discharge monitoring analysis

Third Party Incident Investigation

The team have extensive experience in conducting onshore/offshore investigation using the Kelvin Topset investigation principles.

We can conduct independent third-party incident investigations in conjunction with customer requirements.